Individual Therapy

“The way I see it, if you want the rainbow, you gotta put up with the rain.”
– Dolly Parton

2053317410Some of the stories you tell yourself…

“I’m a failure.”

“I’m not enough.”

“I’m unlovable.”

“I’ll never get ahead in life.”

Looking around, you feel like you’re finding evidence to support these beliefs from friends, family, social media, and work.

You’ve heard it all before. You can’t count how many times you’ve tried self-help, previous therapists you didn’t clique with, advice that didn’t fit from well-intentioned loved ones, and trying to think your way out of it.

Faking it every day, “I’m okay!”

You’ve gone through waves of being unsettled or okay. Instead of going through the motions of saying you’re okay, you’d like to mean it.

“Maybe I should just give up and be on unfeeling autopilot the rest of my life.”

But that voice inside your head is relentless.

2103460433It’s time for a better state of mind.

LGBTQ+, straight, BIPOC, white, partnered, ENM, single – whoever you are, therapy can help.

Change is possible with therapy.

Another day of going through life this way seems unfathomable.

The therapy I offer has been scientifically proven through reproducible clinical trials again and again. If you are willing to take a leap of faith and commit to the work, you are guaranteed results.

Through a holistic approach, we look at all the parts that make you YOU – history, your relationships over the years, and hopes for the future.

Once we understand your past and present issues, we will pinpoint where to take action. We build the scaffolding around you, touch up the art you are, and then you’ll fly free on your own.

To make changes in therapy, you must show up, commit to the work, and feel safe sharing with your therapist. Accept what is and commit to the change. Gritty persistence forward despite the ups and downs is what makes the difference.

I will help you make sense of your inner self.

Through your time with me, I will help you understand all the influences on your well-being. This includes…

…your thoughts, emotions, and behaviors
…your culture and family background
…your identities and social connection
…your environment, mental and physical well-being
…your beliefs, strengths, and values.

When you approach your wellness holistically from many different angles, you can implement a life that continues to be supported once therapy is over. I want to help you trust your inner experience and have that reflected in your outer experience in the world.

521775709Let’s map out a new life that moves forward

Over your time in therapy, you will increase your confidence in yourself, gain clarity on what you value, hold strong boundaries with others, and have a path forward to a holistic state of well-being.

When we agree you are ready to fly without me, you won’t recognize the person who started therapy. You’ll be so proud of the person you have become.

It’s time to start trusting yourself.

Call me today to schedule a free consultation at (843) 900-6880 or reach out in the contact form below.