
1150971305Life is a constant drain on your battery.

You don’t know if you can take another day of this. Nausea, shaking, and sweating – each daily task feels like you won’t make it through. Somehow, you continue to, even though it doesn’t feel good.

Things that others seem to breeze right through cause you pain, discomfort, and stress that doesn’t always make sense.

A panicked feeling comes up any time:

… if you have plans later today,

… if you have to talk to someone,

…or even if you’re rehashing an experience with someone that left you feeling bad.

You’re certain these describe you: over-thinker, a people pleaser, and just tapped out from having to go through this every day.

Another day, another series of anxieties to push through.

2037685952You like the idea of being social, but the reality is too much.

Your friend cancels their plans with you – and you feel a sigh of relief. You didn’t want to leave your house anyway.

Too many draining people to talk to, a cacophony of noise, and interactions with strangers. You can relax now – except you can’t because now you are feeling anxiety differently.

You feel bad that you don’t want to spend more time with others, and your guilt about how you’re supposed to be paralyzes you.

Taking a nap keeps you from thinking about anything. You zone out to TV shows or YouTube videos just to get your mind on something else. The anxiety continues to return, and you constantly refocus.

At night, though you’ve been tired and looking forward to your bed all day, your mind spirals with negative thoughts that keep you up, ruining your sleep. Then you start to worry about not sleeping. You can’t seem to get comfortable or tired enough.

Your negative self-talk screams at you: “I am a failure,” “I’m not enough,” and “I am unlovable.”

Learn tools to help your anxiety.

Through therapy, we can work together to map out your anxiety cycles. We can identify the negative thoughts and limiting beliefs that get in your way.

You are not stuck just pushing through and experiencing anxiety for the rest of your life.

Once we can identify all the influences that contribute to your overall anxiety, we can work strategically to implement holistic techniques and perspectives to take you from “this is too much” to “I got this!”

2025641885You can be in control.

Imagine being able to relax every muscle in your body. You will learn to reflect on your thoughts and identify when you’re on a spiral.

We can rehearse scripts to help you make it through social situations.

You’re able to share your boundaries clearly and directly.

And most of all, you have thoughts that don’t just center around worrying.

You will learn to…

Spend time with friends without wanting to leave as soon as possible.

Understand what is causing discomfort around other people and be able to calm yourself.

Gain clarity on when pushing through is for your well-being vs. when you are causing yourself more pain than you need.

I would be honored to support you in finding the peace, calm, and control you seek.

Call me today to schedule a free consultation at (843) 900-6880 or reach out in the contact form below.