Adult ADHD

1112215532You can never seem to get on track.

You’ve tried everything you can think of, from ideas from YouTube to suggestions from other people. The message you’re getting through life is to try harder. And just trying harder never seems to work.

Whether you have ADHD or some of the traits attributed to it, trying harder isn’t going to work. What the well-meaning people who try to help don’t know is that you need to try something different.

My attention is all over the place.

Each time you lose your keys, forget to turn off the stove, or get sidetracked and lose track of time, you roll your eyes at yourself.

Not again!

You’ve been trying hard to stop doing these things – but you can’t. You feel angry at yourself and anyone who reminds you to do something you already know you can’t. You can’t keep up and forget things at home, work, or school.

Each thought is like a fridge magnet. And as soon as you stick another magnet on the fridge, one of the previous magnets loses its power and falls to the floor.

Only so many thoughts can stay in your mind at once. All you know is there is “now” and “not now.” The in-between is what really gets you.

647749312As much as I want to, I can’t sit still and relax.

You’ve tried yoga and meditation. However, calming your mind as suggested to be successful with either of these efforts doesn’t work for you.

Your legs bounce as you squirm in your seat – not quite getting comfortable.

Your mind trails from one topic to the next; before you know it, it’s onto a totally unrelated subject. You may be able to see how you got from A to B, but when talking to the person in front of you, they struggle to make sense of what you’re trying to tell them.

We have tricks and tools to help you – really!

Whether it’s organization, keeping up with deadlines, being on time, or focusing on the task at hand, there are practical tools you can learn to support your focus on whatever it is you need to do.

Imagine being able to get things done in a timely matter. What could it be like to stay focused on the topic at hand?

Learning tools and techniques specifically for a neuroatypical person (someone with ADHD or similar traits) can be life-changing.

Through building self-confidence in your brain style, understanding what works for you, and treating any anxiety or depression that results from ADHD traits, you can function at a level you have often thought you would never reach.

Let’s do this! I will support you in navigating your ADHD traits.

Call me today to schedule a free consultation at (843) 900-6880 or reach out in the contact form below.